Thursday, October 2, 2008

The World of Particles

Ours is a very very large universe but what is it made of? It is made of very very small particles called elementary particles. What does hold them together to form large structures? The interaction between them.

There are four fundamental interactions between the particles. All of the interactions between them is due to the gauge bosons, the small exchange particles who participate in the interaction process. These exchange particles are virtual, they cannot be detected directly, only their existence could be deduced indirectly from the behaviour of the interacting elementary particles.

There are limited numbera of elementary particles.There are quarks of six flavors-up,down,strage,charm,bottom and top. There are six different types of light elementary particles called leptons, they are electron,electron-neutriono,muon,mu-neutrino,tau and tau-neutrino.These six quarks and six leptons along with their anti-particles are the building blocks of all the structures of our universe.

Four fundamental interactions are : Strong, Electromagnetic,Weak and Gravitational. Strong interaction is the strongest of all but its range is very very small, it can act within the size of a proton. Only quarks can feel this interaction and this is due to the exchange of gluons.

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